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18 November 2016 by daniele


It recurs every year the feast of Carnival, which took to its maximum splendour in the eighteenth century in Venice. This festival, which is organized for several days, generally from mid-January until the period of Lent, posed participants to turn to Venice, attend public or private parties in masked costumes, allowing everyone to transgress without being recognized. Over the last 50 years this tradition has taken place by calling, in addition to the involvement of the Venetians, visitors from around the world. During this period, the Municipality and the private organize events, shows and parties of all kinds. Having become an international event, during the period it is difficult to find accommodation in accommodation if not having booked well in advance.



The Biennial is a cultural organization that organizes events of the highest international level: during the summer, from May to October, alternately the international exhibition of fine arts and an architecture, while every year from late August to 10 September the international exhibition of Cinematographic art. In winter it promotes theatrical events. Again the presence of international visitors is very numerous, so if you were interested to stay during this period are advised to book well in advance.


In 1575 a plague that will last until 1577 breaks out in Venice, causing the death of about 50,000 Venetians. The Senate of the Republic, impotent in the face of this terrible epidemic, invokes the divine help, promising to erect, in the island of Giudecca, a church dedicated to the Redeemer. July 1577, the plague is eradicated and the Senate decided to make a pilgrimage to the Church, across a pontoon bridge post from the shore of the Zattere to the Giudecca, decreeing its annual construction and everlasting. Obviously, the Venetian Republic was used to mix the sacred with the profane, so after the procession, a party with boats bursts, food and fireworks, in Bacino San Marco. Even today, the third Saturday of every July, the bridge of boats assembled for two days to by walk to the Church of the Redeemer, is associated with the festival where little has changed: boats festooned with colored paper balloons, typical dishes of the evening and final fireworks.


Historical Regata

The Regata Storica is the main event in the annual “Voga alla Veneta” rowing calendar. This unique sport has been practiced in the Venetian lagoon for thousands of years and today it is particularly well-known for the spectacular historical water pageant that precedes the race. Scores of typically 16th century-style boats with gondoliers in period costume carry the Doge, the Doge’s wife and all the highest ranking Venetian officials up the Grand Canal in a brightly colored parade. An unforgettable sight and a true reconstruction of the glorious past of one of most the powerful and influential Maritime Republics in the Mediterranean.

Festa della Salute

The Festa della Salute is probably one of the least touristy of the Venetian festivities and evokes strong religious feelings among the city’s inhabitants. The holiday is, like the Redentore, in memory of  the 1630-31 pestilence. Even today, thousands of inhabitants visit the main altar of the imposing Salute Church on November 21 to give thanks, and a strong symbolic tie remains between the city and the Mother Mary.
